Life is a journey. God
loves you and wants you
to succeed on that journey.
Depending on the path you choose,
you can end
up in His Eternal Kingdom with
His abundant blessings forever,
or live the
nightmare that never ends.
Living in the Power
of the Kingdom
Begins With
Entering the Kingdom by
The local congregation knew him well. He was a good man, faithful
in attending their meetings. In his
daily activities he always tried to do what was right. God had blessed him; yet he knew something
was missing. He felt far away from God
despite his faithful efforts to do all his religion required. Perhaps The
Teacher could help. He must know God
or he couldn’t do the miracles he’d heard about. So he went to Him and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” The
Teacher (Jesus) asked him if he kept God’s commandments, and he told Him he
did. Then He told him there was one
thing he needed to do. He must sell
everything he owned, give the money to the poor, and follow Him. As the young man walked away Jesus turned to His disciples and began
to talk about what is needed for people to enter His Kingdom.1
During the three years of His earthly ministry Jesus often spoke to His disciples about
what people needed to do to establish a relationship with Him and become part
of His Kingdom. He explained that
eternal life came from personally knowing God through a committed relationship
with His son Jesus the King of Kings.2
This relationship must be their highest priority. Only then could they
experience the transformation that would totally change their lives and allow
them to enter the Kingdom. He explained
this relationship began when people had a heart’s desire to be cleansed of sin,
were willing to surrender everything to Him, and wanted Him to take control of
their life. This could only happen if they trusted His redeeming work on The
Cross to save them with all their heart.3 He let them know that in
order to be part of His Kingdom they must love Him more than any person
(including themselves), anything they wanted to do, or anything they posessed.4
This is the invitation He gave to every person who said they wanted to follow
Jesus let
people know they must recognize He is King
of Kings and Lord of Lords over everything they will face in life. Surrendering their lives to Him is the first
step in growing to know Him. It is the beginning of a journey that will
bring them true success in life. He made
it clear that true success in life is not a matter of money, education, or
popularity. It is finding and
fulfilling God’s purpose. He told them
that when life is over the only thing that will be important is doing God’s
will. His Word’s make it clear that to live in the power of the Kingdom we must
make our relationship with Him our highest priority.6
Have you surrendered your heart and life totally to Jesus?
Is your relationship with Jesus
as King of Kings and Lord of Lords
your highest priority?
References: 1 Mark 10:17-31; 2
John 1:1-18 & 17:3; 3 John 5:24, 6:40, Mark 1:15; 4
Luke 9:23 & 14:26, 27 & 33;
5 Matthew 4:18-22, Luke 9:57-62; 6 Matthew 6:33, 7:13-14 & chapter 25, John 14:6, 15:5-8
5 Matthew 4:18-22, Luke 9:57-62; 6 Matthew 6:33, 7:13-14 & chapter 25, John 14:6, 15:5-8
Henry &
Rita Pulsifer
As God leads share this message with someone. Feel free to make copies.
As God leads share this message with someone. Feel free to make copies.
If you have
questions about living in the power of The Kingdom, please contact us.
You can find out
more about living in the power of The Kingdom on our website
Box 633
Grapevine, TX 76099